Sunday, July 27, 2008

Doggie Parks

The pictures says it all . . . "When are we going for a walk???" . . . and walks are nice. Necessary even. But there is another element that many communities are turning to. Doggie parks.

These are fenced areas where people bring their dogs to socialize. This is important because left alone or on run-lines dogs get mean. I've seen my share of penned and chained dogs and so have you.

Dogs are social, just like we are, and keeping one on a chain all day makes them funny. Sometimes mean and defensive. Which may or may not have anything to do with why doggie parks came along.

They don't have to be large and the only "cost" is the fence. Typically volunteers police them and owners bring bags for the 'gifts' their canines leave behind.

Now here's the thing: Lake Shastina has a bunch of areas that are dedicated to "parks". They are at present undeveloped. Why not make a few of them doggie parks where people can socialize while their dogs do the same?

Any support for this?????

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