Friday, July 11, 2008

Farmers' Markets

This is the time of year when you can really appreciate fresh fruits, vegetables, and local crafts at the many local farmers' markets. These shots were taken in Medford when we stumbled across their Thursday event on South Pacific Highway. Like many, we make a "Costco run" once a month and this market was going strong yesterday. There was plenty of parking (paved, as was the market itself) and the temps had dropped from Wednesday's 102 degrees so it was bearable.

Much of what is sold in farmers' markets is organic and the 'made' goods like bread, candy, and food (tamales, Japanese dishes, donuts, etc. etc. at this one) are all cooked at home. There was even a stall that sold locally-raised buffalo meat. So what you get does not come by ship from Chile or Australia coated with preservatives and such. In fact it was hard to put off our planned lunch in Ashland there was so much ready-to-eat stuff!

There are markets like this here in Siskiyou County too, of course. I know of one in Weed and another in Mt. Shasta. The respective Chambers of Commerce would surely know the days and locations of each. It's likely there are markets in Yreka and Scott Valley as well.

They even had kiddie rides on ponies (the mist was for the heat):

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