Sunday, September 7, 2008

What a Neat, Easy Hike . . .

Sal and I decided to take a day off. Huevos Rancheos at Lalos in Mt. Shasta, walk the new Lake Siskiyou Trail, and then wash the car. Wow, what an agenda . . we're more tired now than if we'd worked all day.

But back to the trail. What a neat walk. Almost completely level it begins at the first parking area on the north shore road which you access from W A Barr Road leading to Lake Siskiyou which is before you get to the dam.

We had already walked the first mile or so and this time we kept driving to the second parking area to take the second leg. It follows the lakeshore to almost where the Sacrameto River enters the lake. There was a third parking area there and we turned around.

Most of the reason was because of the eye-flies . . . those bb-size varmits that buzz around your eyes and ears. They never land or bite but they targeted Sal and my oak-branch switch nonwithstanding, drove her to annoyance. I think it's because of her natural sweet nature.

So if you go, take a repellent. Sal thinks they followed us home, though.

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