Thursday, November 6, 2008


It is no fun to be sick. There is no energy to do anything but sleep. Then when sleep gets boring, I start to feel guilty because I am being a useless person. So I try to read. But having a head cold where everything from the neck up becomes a river, I get tired of trying to read through teary eyes. So the next best thing to wile away the hours is television.

I couldn’t have picked a better time to snuggle up in a chair with a cup of tea and television. First it was the suspense of who would win the election. Then hearing President Elect Obama’s victory speech produced more tears in my already cold infested head. Tears of joy I might add. I well remember the civil rights movement of the 60’s. I played my part and went to rallies, stayed informed and did as much as I could to promote racial equality in the Lyndon Johnson world.

The next day I watched commentaries with famous people such as Oprah and others. I saw the populous being interviewed and saw the sense of hope and optimism that everyone had. It really made me realize that there are so many good people in this world.

In the past I was feeling that our nation had become a nation of greed with a “me first” attitude. Wall Street is a prime example. We also have had an administration in the White House that seemed to emulate what people wanted, more money and more power. There seemed to be a lack of caring for the ordinary person. But with this election I saw that we as a people do have a say. We were saying that we want a nation that takes responsibility for each other. We want to unite, have a congress that crosses party lines and looks out for the good of the individual.

Only time will tell what happens in the future. It will take time to get out of the mess we are in and President Obama will need help. He can’t do this alone. The thing we can now cling to is hope and optimism.

Sometimes it is good to be sick as long as it is short. It gives one time to stop, reflect and listen.

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