Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No Comment

I set this blog up so that people who would like to say something about an article can click on "comments" and put in their two cents. The comment comes to me as an email with three choices: publish, respond, or delete. This latter is to avoid odd remarks from the Funny People.

But I am not getting any. Comments, that is. This can be taken only one way . . . everything I am writing is RIGHT. Of course you think this when you put pen to paper but well, this is a little heady. Sort of like not hearing any dissent you tend to get a little swell (look that one up, it has some interesting definitions).

Suddenly your thoughts become 'smart' and 'timely'. You can imagine the euphoria this brings on. This is dangerous, especially in my hands. To feel relevant and important all of a sudden can lead to illusions of grandeur.

Fortunately, I am aware that you are not complaining or charging me with internet abuse because you are just too . . . busy. Or something.

So I continue to feel free to careen off into the outrageous and enjoy the luxury of a monologue.

Still, it would be nice to hear from someone . . .

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