Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Mens' Club Here in Lake Shastina

We have a delightful gathering every month which breaks all the rules for Organized Groups. There is no agenda. No minutes. No secretary's report. There are no officers to give boring speeches, and no dues either. In fact there are no rules at all.

It's called simply The Mens' Club and the next "meeting" if you can call them that, is Wednesday the 6th of August at 8 AM in the restaurant at the golf resort. You can order any of the great menu breakfasts or just have a cup of coffee to lubricate the sharing of news and gossip over the next hour or so.

We meet old friends, catch up on what's going on (or should be going on!), and we warmly welcome newcomers. In fact if you need a ride give me a call. I'll introduce you to the guys I know, too.

Bruce Batchelder, Editor

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