Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Eagles....boy, am I dated or what?

Okay. I admit it. We love these guys. In fact, we danced to The Who, The Doors, and a bunch of other groups that survived the 60's and 70's like we did. I'm sure this sounds like schmuck but somehow those years were great for us.

Yeah, I know. The lyrics weren't world-class literature. But "who-wah, who-way baby" was the way it was done then, know what I mean? But those decades are still popular so schmuck works I guess.

And, if you want to press the point, where did dancing go? I mean, we used to rock, roll, and snuggle all at the same time but what do kids do now? Yes I know, I'm being nostalgic but here's the thing; our kids may not have that rosy glow we felt then and poor them.

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